Monday, May 6, 2013

May Photo A Day - Day 5 - Paper

Thanks to me being a storyteller (I love reading to kids), I have 2 lot of kid's books in my house, one for My Little Chatterbox and other for my little reader Zoe. Paper for me always meant books and right now the way I spend on children's book, I can't think of anything else but these when I think of PAPER. Here are 'some' of the book my little 2 year old possess. These are here possessions in the true sense of the word and I'm a proud mommy.


  1. Cool ! Am going to be the same when i hve kids. I myself love to read children books a lot

  2. Aaaah... I love books, actually both me and my partner love reading. So it comes naturally to Zoe :)
