Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May Photo A Day - Day 21 - I Care About This...

There are 1000s and 1000s of people who lay homeless on the streets. There are speeding cars which might just run over them. Or even when on chilly winter nights (this picture is of one such night), these very cars send bone-chilling winds. These people hardly have a blanket without holes. 

I did try my bit to help a few of them back in Delhi... guess I should start doing something again in Bangalore.


  1. Yes. These less fortunate people need the support of the society. Us.It is scary to even think of the winters when they have nowhere to go and need to sleep outside without much to ever cover themselves :-(

  2. This is a sad sight. We must what we can to help.


  3. You are in Bangalore right !
    I remember now ! Yep we shud try our level best and donate. ! we also did the same during horrible winters of delhi

  4. We shud care about them. But we can't help them singly. We have to call the help of all the people in our locality and society. Form a group and then initiate helping together. In that way we could provide them proper make make this world a better place to photograph.

    1. Yes Arshad that is exactly what we did back in Delhi. I guess its time to start afresh. :)

  5. The Government is blind to these people.
