Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May Photo A Day - Day 15 - 7 O'clock

My life revolves around my family (where my daughter is the most important person) and my work. I work from home and try to wind up work before 7 O'clock, or at least take a break of an hour or two to spend some quality time with Zoe. Zoe, like both her parents loves books. Her favorite authors are Eric Carle, Dr. Seuss and Julia Donaldson... well what else do you expect a 2.5 year old to like. She watches an hour of TV each day (30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening). So between 7-7:30 pm I watch her favorite videos with her. She has been hooked on to BBC's video of Julia Donaldson's Grufallo and Grufallo's Child. Once she has watched the video with mommy, we read the book together over din-din (dinner).

So here you go... a glimpse of Gruffalo's Child, that's what we were watching today. 


  1. Great! Such a goofy looking cute face :)

  2. Your routine sounds like mine with my little girl (not as little anymore:-) And we share the books and Eric and Seuss Love! :)

  3. such a cute way to spend that 7 to 7 30 :) !

  4. Yikes! Now I feel old! Never even heard of these! :(

    1. Heard about them only after my daughter was born.

  5. First time I am seeing this. :)

  6. Wow, that time with you daughter must me the post precious in your day :)

  7. That routine took me back to childhood! Even though, I still often watch Chota Bheem!! Love it. :)

  8. Looks cute. But never heard or seen this series! :)

  9. OK. So, I am gonna get it soon. I have not given screen time to my son yet but I am OK with 20-30 minutes of good DVDs in the entire day. I show him rhymes once in a while and boy, the way he looks hypnotized, it is scary!

  10. Such an adorable animated creature :)
