Monday, May 27, 2013

May Photo A Day - Day 27 - Can't live without

I can't live without my family... I guess most of us can't. Hence I will just overlook the family bit.

I cannot live without dancing, I love to dance... music no music I just LOVE to dance. I do not want to live without dance. This is a picture of a family function back in 2006. This is my best dancing partner my cousin brother. He's a year younger to me and we have been friends for life.


  1. That's cool. I love dancing once in a while but I can't stand loud music and that is the reason I have been to disc may be twice in my life.

    1. Hate discs as well... I love dancing, and more than dancing in a crowd I love dancing for myself :)

  2. Wow! That's a fab one! I can't dance to same my life :D

  3. Cool! I love to dance too! Except that people turn around & say... "that's not dance!"

  4. India's Dancing Superstar? I used to love to dance too. I have done quite a few stage programs a very very long time ago. ;)

  5. Bful !

    Dance like no one is watching U is so true. U seem to be enjoying ur self a lot in this pic :)
    Keep dancing

    1. If I'm in a really bad mood all I need is just dance. :)

  6. I love dancing. I hear a peppy song and it's a torture trying to be civilized and not dance wherever I am. I love karoake nights, where you get to sing and dance :D

  7. yea.. I can't live without dancing either!!
    there's always some sort of rhythm playing in my head :)
