Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blog-a-Prompt week - Day 3 - MONDAY - Khooni Monday

Image Courtesy - Google
Monday... what does Monday mean to me? Nothing really its just like any other weekday. Actually now with my weekend is flooded with so many sessions and classes, I get a much needed break on Monday.

My relationship with Monday has been a love hate kind of relationship.

  • Way back when I was a young school kid, my mom tells me I used to cry, especially on Mondays. And I used to HATE going to school after a break of two days.
  • In my teens I just wanted to remain locked up in my room, especially when I had my separate room and both my sisters (an elder and a younger one) used to share a room. Over the weekends, I used to listen to music, write, read and do everything that I wanted to. And then came the deadly Monday and a list of questions/instructions/taunts from Ma. "Did you study for Unit Test?", "Maine toh nahin dekha tumhe padhte hue" ... then why ask, "That's why I tell you to get up early in the morning and eat breakfast properly." The first thing we did when we reached schools on Monday was give our Unit Test and collect the corrected answer sheet for the last week (yes... both on the same day). This happened throughout the year - barring vacations. Though I was a decent student I used to HATE Mondays. 
  • Then in college, I started LOVING Mondays. I loved going to college, and when Mondays meant going back to bunking classes, planning which movies to watch, shopping, or just chilling after getting bored for 2 long days on the weekend I loved it. 
  • Office of course meant my hatred for Monday was back to where it started. Now I feel how aptly the lyrics of that song from 'Go-Goa-Gone' define my state back then. "Khoon choosne tu aaya khoon choosne....Bloddy khooni monday kyoon aaya khoon choosne" 
  • Now as I mentioned, since I work mostly on weekends... Monday brings with it the much needed break and I kind of like them
  • With Zoe starting school in about a fortnight, I think I will start HATING Mondays again.

So For Mondays you can actually say "You can HATE Mondays or You can LOVE them. But you certainly cannot IGNORE Mondays"


  1. Now come to think of it, we all have had some variation of your experience with Mondays... nicely written.

  2. I can almost picture myself there :)

  3. That picture is so true for most of us..nicely written! :-)

  4. Good one!! I especially liked why you liked mondays in college ;)

    1. Ahhhhhhh.... College made me fall in love with them

  5. Lolz .. going to college so you can bunk college! Love the grumpy picture :-).

  6. so true, we can not ignore it... this is the start of the week... and we don not want to miss first part of the movie ...

    1. Ahhhhhhhh.... actually Monday sort of defines the tone of the week. Like a movie does

  7. I have loved Mondays mostly, except when I started working. Now that I have been off from "work" for the last 4 years I have begun missing my Monday. Maybe when the kid's school starts in 2 weeks, I might want no Mondays again :)

  8. i miss mondays now yaar.... but i used to crib on sunday evenings always!

    1. When you work you are at your grumpiest best from Sunday evenings till Monday
