Spicy, whenever you utter that word, I immediately think of Gossip. The world believes that women are always up to some gossip. I don't believe that at all. Men are equally capable of Gossip, I know men who live to gossip. The biggest example is my husband. He is abreast on office gossip, he knows not only what is going on in his family but keeps me updated on my family as well.
Call him a gossip-monger and he takes offense. He says he doesn't believe in gossip, he believes in 'Passing on the information' the spicier the information the better. :)
I on the other hand used to hate gossip before I met the husband. I didn't find it spicy at all. Now since I've lived with him for a little over 5 years I have realized gossip isn't such a bad thing. A nice well-told gossip can spice up a dull and boring conversation. I still don't believe in spreading gossip, but if you have some nice gossip, I'm all ears.